Posted on 11/19/2015

One of the most difficult jobs in the automotive repair business is to call the customer with "the news." Much like in the medical, legal, accounting, even funeral professions, the news is often not good news. We share the facts, and by these facts we make our living. But still. Every time I call Bob the attorney(not his real name), I feel guilty about what his car needs, despite my having 30 years of experience sharing news with customers. There is a joke in the business called the three B's: "I didn't build it, buy it, or break it." It was time to call Bob with a list of repairs. I had a cup of coffee and reviewed his records for the past five years. His BMW had been very good to him - with few repairs and mostly routine maintenance. Then, I called. Slightly distressed, Bob asked for details. I went over the list, including costs, and heard a big sigh. "How come every time I bring in my car," he asked, "you t ... read more